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Krytyka Polityczna - wiadomości z Polski


After the 3rd Congress of Polish Greens

March 2008

Well, quickly before I make to bed: I was attending the 3rd Congress of Polish Greens. I lost in the elections for the chairman (no one wanted to candidate apart from current chairman, Darek Szwed, so I decided, and got 1/3 of votes). But I made some puzzling observations that made me to write to my diary. I think that Polish Greens might have ideological problems that cause them to have so little support. Saying this, I think on the economic issues- there is, as I observed, "Anti- neoliberalism" and very little more, which I think causes audience to think that the Greens are principially against free market.

Among Polish Greens the socialistic quarterly magasine, the "Krytyka Polityczna", gained profound significance. The magasine is in my opinion very incompetent in economic issues. On the social issues- well, here I do not know, I am generally quite liberal, but also here Polish Greens might have some differences that made them unpopular (well, we are honestly said, unpopular). Apart from "Krytyka Polityczna" there is no think-tank on the left and centre-left side of the political spectrum, Greens also have any. We could form such a think-tank, if someone offered some help.

Posted by Adam Phoo on 04:44. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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